Platform Meetings – 1996

December 22
Members and Children of Ethics School
A Seasonal Celebration

December 8
Dilip Barman
Animal Rights: A Brief Introduction

November 24
Joan Preiss, Triangle Friends of the United Farm Workers
The United Farm Workers Today

November 10
Ralph Balzac, North Carolina Society for Ethical Culture
Business Meeting for NCSEC Members and Friends

October 27
Willian Van Alstyne, Professor of Constitutional Law, Duke University
What Constitutes a Religion? -- Court Rulings Defining Religion

October 13
Susan Greenblatt
An Update on El Salvador

September 22
Ralph Balzac, North Carolina Society for Ethical Culture
Discussion: Evolution and Ethics

September 8
Chris Kaman, North Carolina Society for Ethical Culture
Soccer Balls, Rugs, and Child Labor

August 25
Ken Eill, North Carolina Society for Ethical Culture
Jazz, the Music of Freedom

August 11
Ray Ubinger, Libertarian candidate for US Senate
The Civil Civics of Libertarianism

July 28
John Dubocq, North Carolina Society for Ethical Culture
Launchpad for a Global Ethic

July 14
Norm Gustaveson
Environmental Ethics

June 23
Farzin Barazandeh
Central Concepts of Bahai Faith

June 9
Howard Sherman
Blasphemy: A Talk Not About Blasphemy, But Which Is Blasphemy

May 26
Sarah Howe, North Carolina Society for Ethical Culture
Why I Chose Home Schooling Over the Public Schools

May 12
Enid Handler, North Carolina Society for Ethical Culture
Mothers Day: An Integenerational Presentation

April 28
Howard Radist, Emeritus Ethical Culture Leader
Ethical Issues in the Healthcare Industry

April 14
Howard Lee
Challenges Facing Progressive Thinkers Toward The Year 2000

Platform Meetings –2013

January 27

"School-to-Prison in the US"
Geraldine Alshamy,
Director, Project RESCUE
Director, Family Outreach for Action for Children
Executive Director, Mary Magdalene Ministries, Shaw University

Geraldine will talk about the criminal justice policy in the United States has for some time now spurned In the United States rehabilitation has been replaced by long and often permanent incarceration of people, and the root causes of crime are neglected in the belief these people can never be anything else but criminals. In the last decade, this system has seeped into our schools. These various policies, collectively referred to as the School-to-Prison Pipeline, push children out of school and hasten their entry into the juvenile and eventually the criminal justice system. Prison is the end of the road.

January 13

Evolutionary Thinking about Death
By Bob Cathcart

Bob will review and read from his newly published book of poetry and words. He will be available to sign and sell copies of the book for $15.00 each after the meeting.

January 6

"Actions to Prevent Mass Killings"
Group Discussion

This Sunday we will focus on various ways to prevent mass killings like the one in Newtown. Please come with a list of additional actions to discuss, and we will provide you the names of your representatives in Congress and the North Carolina state government so you can add your voice to the demand for action.


















