Platform Meetings – 2009

December 6

" Project Compassion"
Speaker: Steven Warnock

Project Compassion creates community and provides support for people living with serious illness, caregiving, end of life and grief. Learn more at Project Compassion.

November 28
" 5th Sunday Discussion"
Speaker: Randy Best

Randy will make a brief presentation on the history and philosophy of Ethical Humanism. Most of the meeting will be interactive with questions and chances for everyone to participate.

November 22
" Stone Soup Celebration"
Speaker: Randy Best & The Readers Theatre

Randy will guide us through the making of a "stone" soup. Bring pre-cooked vegetables to put in the pot. Strictly vegetarian. Enjoy a skit from Francine's Readers Theatre.

November 1
Eleven Things I Never Imagined I Would Do, But I Did"
Speaker: Joy Falk, PhD.

Are you afraid to fail? Think you are too old to try new things?
Joy will entertain and inspire us while she tells us how she turned so-called failure into performance.
Dr. Kay comes to us courtesy of the Governors Club Speakers Bureau.

October 18
" Healthcare: A Right or a Privilege" - The Views of a Consumer, Businessman and a Transplanted Canadian
Speaker: John Kay

Health care is back on the front page and there are many ideas on what changes can or should be made. The current system has winners and losers with the winners supporting the status quo. Who are the current winners and who are the current losers? Is there momentum for change or just more rhetoric? What are the costs of change, both monetary and social? Mr. Kay comes to us courtesy of the Governors Club Speakers Bureau.

August 16
" Contemporary 'Conduct' and the Relevance of John Dewey"
Prof. Lynda Stone, PhD Philosophy of Education and President of the John Dewey Society, will speak to the society.

August 2
"Ethical Humanism as a Source of Comfort and Hope"
Randy Best, Leader of the North Carolina Society for Ethical Culture, will address two primary questions in his address: How does Ethical Humanism provide comfort to us in times of trouble? How does a non-theistic belief structure provide hope for the future?

July 19
" Pathways to Forgiveness"
Rev. Carl W. Kenney, II will provide his insights on this topic. (Click on his name to see his blog.)

July 5
" July 4th Reflections"
Members and Friends of the Society will speak about what July 4th means to them.

June 21
" Report on 2009 Assembly of the American Ethical Union"
Randy Best and Nancy Applegate will report on the Assembly they attended.

June 7
" Poverty in North Carolina"
Prof. Gene Nichol, Director of the UNC Center on Work, Poverty, and Opportunity will speak on will speak on the challenges and opportunities North Carolinians in poverty face, during our current time of economic difficulty.

May 17
" Founder's Day Celebration"
The society will celebrate its founding, founders, and honor those who have contributed to the success of the organization.

May 3
" Perspectives on American-Iranian Cultural Relations"
Prof. Carl W. Ernst will provide a brief look at American engagement with Iran over the past century, plus reflections on recent cultural and academic openings, based on the experience of several recent visits in both directions.

March 15
" Afghanistan The Graveyard of Empires"
John Heuer, Director of N.C. Peace Action and Associate member of Veterans For Peace will speak on this vital and timely issue at the N.C. Ethical Culture Society meeting

















